REIKI treatment


Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation. It is a way of working with energy allowing the body and mind to clear of blocks that can cause dysfunction or ailment in the body. Reiki aids the mind in healing the body.

Reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charges them with positive energy. It supports the body’s natural ability to heal and works differently for everyone. It functions on all levels of the being: mental, spiritual, physical and emotional; a full body approach to healing.

  • Reiki is a completely optional service that I can incorporate into your medical aesthetic treatment if you desire.

    The treatment process is simple. You’ll lie fully clothed on the treatment table, comforted in a clean, cozy blanket. Dim lighting and soft meditation music will be playing. I’ll hover my hands focusing on specific areas of your body. As a result, one may feel some emotional release or warmth as the Reiki energy flows into the body.  The common experience during this treatment is a sense of peace and deep relaxation.

    When your full body clearing is done you’ll receive a cold glass of water to signal the body that your session is complete.

  • Negative experiences frequently condition our attitude and our behavior. This kind of unconscious programming makes us attract the same distressful experiences over and over again. With Reiki, we can release old thought patterns, beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve us. The newly created space can be replaced with a new positive action.

    Depression can be released and replaced with a joyful outlook on life. Fear can be released and replaced with love and trust. Happiness and a positive attitude can replace negativity.