Dermaplaning Treatment

Your skin is exposed daily to harsh environmental toxins, irritants, and sun damage. This can cause the top layer of your skin to appear dull, and it can make your skin look tired.

Dermaplaning is a manual exfoliation technique that clears away those damaged skin cells so newer, healthy skin cells can illuminate you. A non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment that uses a sterile exfoliating blade to skim dead skin cells and remove fine vellus hairs (peach fuzz) from your face. Dermaplaning aims to make your skin’s surface smooth, supple, and radiant.

Dermaplaning is recommended for all skin types and anyone looking to:

·          Remove surface debris

·          Increase absorption of topical products

·          Immediately diminish the appearance of fine line and wrinkles

·          Creates healthier, more radiant appearance. 

·          Smoother appearance of acne scars

·          Improve sun-damaged skin

·          Improve dry skin conditions.

In addition to any treatment, 80% of your continued results are achieved and maintained with a consistent high performance home care routine that has your overall skin cell health in mind. No surgery or needles, simply a daily commitment to feeding your skin with the very best in skin science.


Option to add on an Enzyme Peel post dermaplaning treatment.

While dermaplaning and enzyme peels are effective apart, they work synergistically together. Dermaplaning helps to remove the outer layers of the skin, making the enzyme solution in a peel far more effective, enabling the enzymes to reach deeper levels of the dermis.

When combining this selective service you save $50 from their individualized treatments... it's a win win.

  • A buildup of dead skin and microscopic hairs can make your complexion appear dull, flaky, and can even cause breakouts due to clogged pores and hair follicles. Which is why this form of mechanical exfoliation is essential for maintaining an even, healthy glow.

  • At The Parlour your Medical Aesthetician will start by cleansing your skin to remove oil and environmental debris. A natural oil will then be applied to your skin to help the blade glide across your skin. During and after your treatment you may feel a slight tingling sensation, and that is normal. We offer a calming mask and a reiki treatment to round out your session if you choose. Upon the removal of the mask an all natural botanical balm will be applied to nourish your skin.

    Your Dermaplaning Treatments generally takes 30 minutes with no down time. You can return to your usual routine right away following treatment.

  • You may notice that your skin looks brighter immediately after your dermaplaning treatment, but it often takes a few days to appreciate the full results. As any redness subsides, you’ll be able to see the results more clearly in the days afterward.

  • Dermaplaning is expected to last roughly 3 weeks, until your natural cell turnover takes place. It is recommended to have a Dermaplaning Treatment either monthly or seasonally.

    To feel more comfortable in your own skin (with little to no downtime), contact The Parlour Skin and Laser Therapy or schedule a free consultation online today.

  • • Avoid exfoliation for a few days prior

    • Avoid direct sun exposure (Always wear sunscreen)

    • If you plan to wax, do so 5 days prior or greater

    • Avoid Retina A, acne creams, prescription creams or glycolic for 5 days before and after.

    • Must not be on accutane while having the procedure for 6 months and any medications that cause photosensitivity (anti biotics, anti-inflammatories)