RF SKin NEEDLING Treatment

At The Parlour Skin and Laser Therapy we use a Nano-Fractional Radio Frequency device by Venus Concept. This device offers a skin resurfacing treatment with low downtime. You can improve skin tone and texture while healing damage from environmental exposure and the visual privileges of aging. 

 If you're one of many people who are bothered by their uneven skin texture—be it scars, wrinkles, enlarged pores, or stretch marks—the solution is easier than you'd think. Stop worrying about covering up old acne scars or stressing over the deep-set wrinkles. It's time to take the first step toward celebrating your skin and honouring your vessel.

At the Parlour we offer Venus Concept's targeted fractional skin resurfacing treatment which can effectively reduce signs of skin damage and improve the appearance of uneven skin texture, no matter how fair or dark your skin tone. With just a couple of quick sessions, you'll notice a naturally smoother, more radiant, and healthier-looking complexion that lasts. The extra added bonus with this modality of treatment is after your final treatment, your results will continue to improve. However, one touch-up session may be needed approximately every 6 months to a year depending on how your skin responds.

Skin Resurfacing treatments are more common but not limited to the face, neck and decolette.

In addition to any treatment, 80% of your continued results are achieved and maintained with a consistent high performance home care routine that has your overall skin cell health in mind. No surgery or needles, simply a daily commitment to feeding your skin with the very best in skin science.

  • Skin Resurfacing can heal many skin concerns, including:

    • Improve tone and texture

    • Minimize Pore Size

    • Pigmentation Spots (browns and reds)

    • Fine to Deep Wrinkles

    • Acne Scars

    • Rosacea

    • Stretchmarks

  • At the Parlour we offer Venus Concept’s radio frequency skin resurfacing treatment and it may be slightly uncomfortable, but not painful. You’ll feel intense heat, similar to the feeling of a sunburn.

  • Your skin will appear flushed and feel warm afterward, much like a sunburn. Within the first 24 hours, only apply topicals that have been recommended or prescribed by your treatment provider at the Parlour Skin and Laser Therapy. The warm feeling should go away within 24 hours.

    There is little to no down time for up to 48 hours post-treatment (or up to 5 days for more aggressive treatments), unlike lasers or other treatments where recovery or downtime lasts up to 10 days. Your skin may be flushed and sensitive for the first 48 hours.. After 24 hours, you may put on makeup and resume your regular skin care routine. You should always apply sunscreen (at least SPF 30) to maintain your results and prevent sun damage. Avoid rigorous exercise and hot baths or massages on the treatment area for the first 2 days after your session. Make sure to keep your skin clean and protected from the sun and avoid all forms of tanning.

  • It depends on your concerns, but most patients get excellent long-term results with a series of 3-4 sessions, around one month apart. By spacing the treatment into multiple sessions, you can enjoy steady improvement without any skin disruption or downtime.

    To feel more comfortable in your own skin (with little to no downtime), contact The Parlour Skin and Laser Therapy or schedule a free consultation online today.